0 – 15 Minutes
Doug discusses pipeline ROW agreements and the need to understand your rights to the decline or negotiate pipeline offer. Doug explains why landowner must not relay on landman who may be misleading. Discussion regarding why landowners are signing bad pipeline agreements and not taking advantage of opportunities. The need to negotiate agreements to maximize money and protections. Doug explains legal consultation services and the need to understand landowner leverage in all agreements.
15 – 30 Minutes
Doug thoroughly breaks down the pipeline ROW agreement granting clause wherein the landowner grants extensive rights to the pipeline company, including the right to install multiple pipelines, above ground service structures (meter stations and valves). Granting clause also authorizes wires, cables, “other equipment”, and above ground structures. This grant allows for the transmission of communication signals: above ground markers, poles, wires, lines, and fiber optics. Finally, this granting clause permits ingress and egress across landowner’s property. Landowners must reduce enormous granting clauses. Doug also explained additional and temporary work space areas and the need to identify these specifically.
30 – 45 Minutes
Doug discusses assignments of ROW agreements in whole or in part to third parties. Doug explains the “cure” provision allowing the company the opportunity to correct any breaches in any agreements even after a final court ruling. Discussion regarding title warranty provisions and the impact that they may have on landowners. Doug examines counter part language and how a landowner binds themselves by signing an agreement, regardless of whether the company signs the agreement as well.
45 – 60 Minutes
Doug explains what important addendum terms are missing from pipeline ROW Grant. Need to identify speicfic location of the easement. Need to liability and hold-harmless protections for landowner and the need to identify and require reclamation activities. Doug discussed per foot compensation offered in Tioga County and compares recent FERC pipeline offers with the threat of eminent domain and condemnation. Several FERC pipeline projects are offering significantly more money than gathering lines even though the FERC projects will most likely carry the power of eminent domain and condemnation. Landowners must understand their options and not sign for insignificant compensation and must protect their property.