0 – 15 Minutes
Doug announces that All Things Marcellus may be expanding to southwestern Pennsylvania and the Pittsburgh market in weeks to come. Doug sets the stage for the discussion of the impact of low natural gas prices on company activity and development and offers to landowners for gas leases and pipeline agreements. Doug introduces the importance of understanding each individual circumstances and evaluating the impact of natural gas prices and energy company stock prices on landowner agreements.
15 – 30 Minutes
Explanation regarding the importance of understanding whether low gas prices can be a detriment or benefit in the negotiation process. There is a fine line between low gas prices being a positive point for landowners where agreements may terminate and a new opportunity may present itself, versus the need for the landowner to act quickly to secure an existing offer. The key is always leverage assessment and evaluation for each property owner’s personal situation.
30 – 45 Minutes
Doug breaks down the stock prices and 52 week range for Southwestern Energy Company, Chesapeake, and Cabot Oil and Gas. Doug explains how the price of gas has impacted these companies and how these stock prices may impact PA landowners. Doug touches on potential bankruptcy of Chesapeake and other energy companies. Doug provides an example of when the landowner may want to pass on current offer and wait for gas and oil markets to recover and seek future agreements. Doug stresses the need for individual analysis and investigation to assess risk tolerance and benefits and detriments or moving forward quickly or waiting into the future. There is never a set answer either way, the answer can only be revealed through detailed evaluation and analysis.
45 – 60 Minutes
Doug discusses Williams’s stock price and the impact of Chesapeake’s financial troubles on pipeline companies such as Williams. Doug provides an example of how low gas prices and stick prices may influence landowners to take the current offer and not push further to run risk of losing compensation and agreement terms currently on the table. The key is to evaluate the totality of your circumstances while considering gas prices and overall market conditions to make the best decision for you and your property.